Our name, Green Machines, implies that our machines are, well, green. 😊 To us, being green is not only about the appearance of the machines and their signature green color, but rather the green technology that we develop for our machines and that we try hard to change the way we keep our cities and streets clean. Green is more than just a color, it’s a movement, it’s a vision. Which is why we decided it’s time to upgrade our color to match our eco-vision! Meet our new signature color! 😊 It’s a little greener than it used to be, just like us.
The reason we decided to upgrade our color is not only because we want it to express our green vision in a better way, but also because we wanted to make it more accessible for everyone worldwide. It is a well-known fact that you can order our machines in their signature color, but that you can also choose from over 185 different colors to match your city’s lifestyle and image. We use #RAL colors because they are globally accepted and available and we want to standardize the color chart within our company. Additionally, #RAL colors are much easier and quicker to repair and repaint.
We want you to meet our new signature color and learn about our vision because we want you to join our mission in building a cleaner and greener future for everyone, everywhere. The old green color has been our signature color for decades and although it holds great emotional value for our company, we know it is time to move forward in an even greener direction. We want to lead not only with our groundbreaking technology like the first hydrogen fuel cell sweeper 500 H2, but also with bold decisions to make a change when necessary. Keep up with everything we do on our social media pages and here at www.greenmachines.com and feel free to contact us if you’re interested in learning more about us, our vision or our products!

So, what do you think of our new color? 😊