Back in November 2020 we presented our GM 500 H2 for the first time to the world completely digitally even though its reveal was planned for the 2020 IFAT trade fair. The unpredictable coronavirus situation may have prevented us from revealing it in front of a live audience last year, but this year we managed to tour with it around Europe and we are more than happy for that. This groundbreaking hydrogen fuel cell sweeper got its first official tour in France a couple of months ago (you can read more about it here in our news section at www.greenmachines.com), and now we managed to tour once again! Keep reading to learn more about our 500H2 tour in Portugal! 😊
After our highly successful French tour, it was time for our 500H2 to visit Portugal! We started our Portuguese tour on June 21st and we crossed the country demonstrating this amazing sweeper’s features to the Municipality of Lisbon, Almada, Cascais and finally in the Algarve where several cities and contract cleaners had a closer look of our 500H2 in Albufeira. We met many people on our tour; from municipalities and contract cleaners to large companies that want to contribute to a cleaner and greener future in their cities. Everyone was genuinely interested in learning more about this innovative game-changing technology and they were impressed by the comfort and exceptional maneuverability of our 500H2. This comes as no surprise since the 500 H2 is part of our 500 series which has always been praised for its extraordinary ergonomic design and comfort. We wrapped up our tour at the LIMPEZA URBANA – Urban Cleaning Expo on July 1st where we also got positive feedback about the technology we’ve developed and even learned many new things about other companies and associations that are part of our industry.
It was our great pleasure to organize and do this tour in Portugal because we learned more not only about the culture and beauty of this amazing country, but also about the eco plans and their great efforts to preserve the environment. The positive feedback we got on this tour was expected to say the least, but it was really nice to see people experience the 500 H2’s excellent performance in real life.
Scroll down to see the photos we took during our 500H2 tour in Portugal and feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the 500H2 or any other machine we have in our portfolio. Demos can always be scheduled, although right now it’s a little more challenging to organize them as fast as we could before the coronavirus, so make sure you contact us in time! 😊 Reach out to us through the contact forms at www.greenmachines.com or send us an email at office@greenmachines.com – we’d be happy to help you and your city go green!